Friday, May 9, 2008

"4 Minute Warning"

This is just a nightmare
But soon I'm going to wake up
Someone's gonna bring me around

Hiding from the bombers
Wading through the fields
Running in the half light

Running to ??
Just like everybody
Could ??

Running through the underground
And this is your warning
4 minute warning

I don't wanna hear it
I don't wanna grow old
I just wanna run and hide

Now I'm in a nightmare
But soon I'm gonna wake up
Someone's gonna bring me 'round

This is your warning
4 minute warning

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Oh reckless, a boy wonder, so quiet, nose broken
Oh, you're standing there, look tired as your singing
And you're on fire, they're throwing punches
So backwards the landscape you thought you knew, it starts unwinding
Now you're jumping through their hoops
You're just trying to dodge all their questions
They're shooting bullets
Cause we all want to hear but you can't, you can't
And we all want to see but you don't, you don't
You are amazing
Oh the horses, suits and ties, they will not hesitate to trample
You keep moving, stop moving, it's the same
You know if it is broken they'll try to fix it
It's a shame that, did they get you? they got you
Yeah they might have
You keep covering their mouths, they keep on talking
The parade it is coming, I hear them marching
Case we all want to hear but you can't, you can't
And we all want to see but you don't, you don't
You are amazing
Yeah we all think we're right but we're wrong, we're wrong
And we all want to talk and we do, we do
They have convinced you
It's so shocking
You cheated your fate now, we can't read your face
You are gone

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Dia: Beacon
The artist whose work i was most impressed by on our trip to Dia: Beacon was Sol LeWitt. He was born in Hartford, Connecticut on September 9, 1928. LeWitt was known to have been associated with artists Dan Flavin, Robert Mangold and Robert Ryman, possible influences in his work. He began making his wall drawings in 1996. His initial work consisted of pencil drawn lines arranged systematically in verticals, horizontals and diagonals on forty-five degree angles. These pieces were drawn directly onto the wall. In his later wall drawing pieces he incorporated circles, arches as well as colored pencil and eventually he brought in a team of artists to assist in completing his work. I believe i was most impressed by his work because i initially did not think very highly of it. I think it is the kind of piece that can only be appreciated when seen in person. Upon reading about it and viewing small images i thought it was only lines and nothing special. In person its scale and intricate detail is extremely impressive. I can only imagine the impressive amount of time and work that went into creating it and the outcome is equally impressive. This thought makes me appreciate it even more. The fact that he took a simple concept and stretched it to the extreme made me appreciate his innovative and creative body of work.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday, January 22, 2008