Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Ariel Capellupo said...

i really like the way the images are blended and that it's collage-y but of influences not just friends and family. it works really well as a whole.

RoOose said...

i like how she had three very different triptychs that blended very smoothly with each other. it was done very neatly and i like it very much

ZoeChen said...

The three diferent tyipychs consist of plenty of images which I like it. It may be a little overcrowded but that might be what it tries to present.

mazouat2 said...

when watching you create the backround for your project i remember being blown away by the way you worked with the star lamps. i gave a realy eerie and yet really stark and graphic feeling.. it was awesome. i think though when you added the images on top they really detracted from the subtlety of the original background . i think they really cheapended it. i like how you had a theme and i think you succesfully represented it but i think the ending image is a lot less skillfully done then your original background. i think if you went back and really used that background as a lauching pad you could make an awesome looking project

GabriellePeterson said...

I think this piece is very creative. I love the incorporation of everything. I think the piece works well together as a whole and has a cohesive effect. Good job!

*P*A*P*P*A* said...

i like the collage type effect you used including friends and family. It's very busy and it keeps the viewer interested enough to take the time to examine each part of it. Nice!

Marissa Marton said...

I really like how all three works are put together as one... I think the images blend well and the colors are very nice also... Very eye catching... Great Work!

atticus13x said...

like zach, i also really love the star lamps you incorporated into the piece, for some reason even though they are simple objects, they just seemed to bring the whole piece together. i love your theme, and this project was very well done. the only thing i question is the coloring / face of the font. it seems a little to stark in contrast to the rest of the piece. overall, awesome job.

mal237 said...

i like your piece its creative and busy and i like how you incoporated your family and friends. The collages are put together well.